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Document Scanner

Whether in your office or at home, having a document scanner available to scan your documents to your computer is a quick and easy way of doing so. Check out our range of document scanner below, including document scanners from top brands such as Brother and Canon

Document Scanners Ireland

Wether at home or in an office, in today's digital world, digitising and sharing data information is crucial. Document scanners make this process simple. Your paper documents can be easily scanned, saved, shared and stored, reducing the amount of paper you have lying around. 

Another benefit of document scanners is that they can unlock information on a physcial document. This means the information is both searchable and editable, saving you lots of time and improving your document management. 

Scanners work by usuing light sensitive sensors to scan, capture and convert the information into a computer-friendly format. Before buying a document scanner, consider the following: 

  1. Resolution The higher the resolution of a printer, the sharper the scan will be. If you are scanning very basic documents you can get away with a lower resolution, however if you are scanning images or documents with a lot of detail, you will want to look for a higher resolution. 
  2. Speed Scanners vary in how many documents they can scan. The speed you require will depend on how often you plan to use the scanner and how much you need to scan!